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Hello there,

I’m delighted to welcome you to my online space!

My name is Christy and I’m passionate about finding ways to pay off debt, save smartly, and boost my earnings by seizing every opportunity in the financial sector.

My passion for helping individuals overcome consumer debts and attain financial independence inspired me to create this blog.

Here, you’ll discover a wealth of tips, tricks, and innovative strategies to expedite your path to debt freedom.

This platform is specifically designed to explore practical methods of leveraging credit cards, lines of credit, interest rates, money-saving tips, earning additional income and more—all tailored to your utmost advantage.

FinanceWit caters to individuals who resonate with any of the following:

  • Struggling with perpetual budgeting without tangible progress
  • Finding it challenging to explore additional income streams
  • Striving to maintain a balance below $500 after receiving a salary
  • Is uncomfortable with the idea of declaring bankruptcy

These circumstances once mirrored my own reality around five years ago until I discovered creative strategies and liberated myself through the implementation of these strategies that yielded tangible results.

Let me level with you. I have been there and equally felt the weight of maxed-out credit cards, relied on lines of credit just to get by, and juggled student loans and personal debts while trying to raise a family. It was tough. It felt like drowning with no lifeline in sight.


But you know what? Enough was enough. I said, “This nonsense must stop,” and that was my turning point. I was determined to break free from the cycle of debt and financial struggle.

Irrespective of the depth of your indebtedness, this blog serves as a beacon of motivation and inspiration, guiding you through each step of the journey, even if you’re unsure about how to proceed.

My main goal is to empower at least one person to achieve debt freedom, paving the way for a peaceful and abundant financial life.



Known for my extroverted nature and eagerness to share knowledge, my vibrant personality shines through in my love for unique hobbies like drumming and dancing.

When I’m not crafting content for my blog, you can find me kicking back with some Netflix and indulging in my peculiar hobby—mouth drumming. It might seem unconventional, but it’s my go-to for unwinding, finding solace and rejuvenation amidst life’s distractions and stress.

With over 10 years of experience in the realm of personal finance and money matters, I currently hold a position within one of Canada’s prominent banking institutions.

However, my professional journey has been marred by discontent with financial institutions prioritizing profits over customer welfare.

Despite expressing my concerns to managerial authorities, the scope for effecting substantial change remains limited, as institutional policies dictate our actions.



My personal encounter with debt unfolded following my migration to Canada, wherein my misconceptions regarding the allure of the Western world culminated in accruing substantial debts.

A subsequent enrollment in two college programs compounded my financial obligations, leading to the accumulation of credit card debt, lines of credit, and personal loans.

The birth of my second child further exacerbated the situation, rendering me ineligible for Employment Insurance and necessitating further financial borrowing to sustain our livelihood.


Drowning in debt became my reality, prompting me to take decisive action. Securing a job at one of Canada’s leading banks exposed me to firsthand accounts of customers grappling with debt-related stress daily.

Motivated by these experiences, I delved into extensive research on debt reduction strategies, leveraging existing banking products. I devised creative yet entirely legal tips and tricks to outsmart the system.

Within months of implementing these strategies—some of which I’ll be sharing on this blog—I began gradually chipping away at my debt burden, all without securing additional employment.

After witnessing the positive impact of these strategies on my own finances and those of my friends, I resolved to launch this blog.


My aim is to share what worked for me on my journey to debt payoff and financial freedom, continuously expanding my knowledge and sharing newfound insights along the way.

Embarking on this blogging venture was initially daunting, but I found invaluable guidance in Ling’s Zero to Hero program, which provided a comprehensive, step-by-step framework for launching this very blog you’re reading.

The personal finance tips, tricks, and hacks featured here have not only aided me and my friends in significantly reducing our debt burdens but also brought us closer to financial stability and freedom. It would be my pleasure to extend these benefits to you as well.


My mission is simple: to help at least one person achieve their debt freedom goal, paving the way for a more serene financial future.

Would you care to join me on this mission?








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